The sentence "It objects to global cultural trends like rising secularism and cultural progressivism—which is way excessive at home but overdue in most of the world" was an aha moment for me, Shay. Well done!

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Almost no one in Israel ever heard about Yoram Hazoni. If the 1 million dollar question in Israel's "Who wants to be a millionaire" will be "who is Yoram Hazoni" it will be so hard to the point of being considered extremely unfair.

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This is the first newsletter of yours that I have read. I am now a subscriber. The defenders of Boris are the same people who think that Brexit is a good thing. In general, we are stronger together than when we are divided.

It is unlikely that Finland's prime minister would have garnered any criticism if she had been a he. We can't have women in power telling men what to do.

In America, the pro-Israeli lobby is powerful, and they react immediately to any suggestion of criticism of Isreal. This is wrong. Criticisms should be answered with reasoned responses, not firings and job losses. What is being done to the Palestinians is wrong, and Israel needs to change its policies. This is not to say the Palestinians are always correct, but after all these years of fighting, it is time to change how these issues are addressed.

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